Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pursuit Auto Starter Prooe4bs


Delicious and easy to do.


4 cups flour 1 egg

4 tablespoons sugar 4 tablespoons oil

1 teaspoon salt 1 / 2 cup warm water
2 1 / 2 teaspoons of

baking powder In a bowl place all ingredients,
and form a mass, as dough to make tortillas
flour, knead for several times, until
it becomes a soft dough.
After the dough forms a long roll and is cut into pellets
to the size of a tortilla.
was allowed to stand for at least an hour.
lists the ball, you make the tortillas on paper
waxed, you'll make three cuts in the center and
are fried in hot oil over low heat.
are left for a few minutes until golden brown on both sides
can eat them with coffee, butter or honey.

Delicious and easy to do. (Fritters)
Ingredients: 4 cups flour

1 egg 4 Tablespoons sugar 4 Tablespoons oil

1 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 cup warm water
2 1 / 2 teaspoons baking powder
 In a bowl place all ingredients, and dough forms, like the dough to make
 tortillas, flour, knead for several times, until a soft dough. After the dough
 forms a long roll into balls and you cut to the size of a tortilla. Allowed to
 stand for at least an hour. Ready the balls, do you tortillas on a parchment paper,
 you'll make three cuts in the middle and fry in hot oil over low heat.
Left for a few minutes until browned on both sides. You can eat them
 with coffee, butter or honey.


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