Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dark Skin In The Corner Of My Eye


Nació en Dijon en 1788, estudió derecho. Fue contrario a los Borbones y se le prohibió ejercer de abogado. Vistos los fracasos insurrecionales cree necesaria otra vía. Fue favorable a la revolución de 1830 pero después se mostró contrario a la monarquía liberal orleanista a raíz de la represión contra los obreros. Publica periódicos antigubernamentales. Al volver de un nuevo exilio se definió como comunista demócrata con la voluntad de unir muchos sectores (obreros, socialistas, burgueses).
Publica “Viaje a Icaria”, donde describe una utopía comunista en el futuro en frente del presente capitalista, libro que llegará throughout Europe and it will be very influential. Made a first image of communism.
buy land in Texas to implement their ideas, but also fails and succeeds in successive attempts over 10 years.
Democrat was a communist. To Cabet full democracy was Communism. Think you do not need a revolution but you get to communism by its own conviction. He does not want violence and struggle of the working class but a process "leading by example" to convince people. Want to remove private property and money.
Colonies did not influence, but their leaflets and concepts about the natural equality of results and their idea of \u200b\u200ba world without money, yes they had resonance. He died in 1856. Marx called it a popular representative of utopian socialism and superficial.


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